


谢谢你的包裹. With blog plugins, editing numerous posts is really effortless. And I like the image optimizer that makes my site faster.
I ordered a plugin installation service after a professional SEO optimization. Now, I am able to check my key phrases and readability myself.
I needed plugins for my online store, and I’m fully satisfied with what I got. I love the look and functionality of the shopping cart on my website!


$79 $34
SEO优化插件 This plugin will help you to optimize your site and get better Google rankings.
谷歌分析插件 This plugin is necessary to track how visitors behave on your site and help you with optimizing it for better user experience.
高级网站编辑器 You'll be able to edit your posts and pages more efficiently, saving your time.
图像优化 You'll need this plugin to reduce the size of your images so that pages will load faster.
网站地图插件 这个插件将生成站点地图.xml and automatically update it after any changes are made, which is vital for search engines.
登录页面URL更改插件 You'll be able to secure your login page URL from hackers' attacks.
Installation of all the mentioned extensions on your website


  1. 收集信息

    from 15 min

    Our 定制 team contacts you via email after your order is confirmed. We’ll ask you to provide access details to your site’s admin panel and your hosting account. This stage will take from 15 minutes if your access details are ready. If your template hasn’t been installed yet, we can install it for you within 3 to 6 hours for an extra $49.

  2. 必备的WordPress插件安装


    在接下来的1到2个工作日内, we will install all the must-have WordPress plugins included in the package. Then, we’ll activate them and make sure that everything works properly. You will be able to check the status of your project with your personal project manager.

  3. Reviewing & 完成了

    from 15 min

    When the plugins installation is finished, our team will inform you. You will be able to check how those plugins are working, and approve the final results. In case there is something to be changed or fixed, you can inform our team about that and use one revision (included for free). The revision process can take 15 minutes or more.


  • cPanel和FTP + MySQL访问
  • 管理面板登录和密码


Do you want to make your WordPress website faster, 更多的功能, 并且更好地优化了搜索引擎? Do you wish to make your pages easier in use both for you and your customers? Purchase the package of best WordPress plugins created in cooperation with our support, 定制, 以及生产团队来实现这些目标.

要创建这个包, our team has carried out a detailed analysis of the most popular issues that our customers face. These plugins deliver must-needed and often requested features for both new and experienced site owners. Moreover, all extensions were thoroughly tested on a wide variety of templates and websites to be sure they work as intended.

After we install all must have plugins for WordPress website, you will be able to enjoy all the advantages of your improved site. 例如, 让编辑博客的过程更轻松, we have selected some of the best WordPress plugins for blogs. These plugins will integrate an advanced editor to save your time while you craft your posts, 并将优化您在任何时间添加的图像. You will also be able to make users’ shopping experience smoother and more enjoyable thanks to Google Analytics extension. It will allow you to track users’ behavior and optimize your website where necessary.

Moreover, we have included the best WordPress plugin for SEO to improve your site’s ranking. 它将是有用的每一个网站所有者.

In short, 在这个包中, you will find plugins to help you with better SEO, 内容编辑, 图像优化, 和管理面板调整. These plugins will also make your site more secure and protected from hackers. 


  • 该服务只对一个网站有效.
  • We will install all of the listed plugins but the installation of your template is not included. You can install a template on your hosting yourself and provide us with the access credentials, or 购买我们的模板安装服务 额外收费.
  • 用英语进行交流.
  • Plugins will be only installed and configured on your website, we do not share installation files.




Our developers are constantly testing a lot of comparable solutions to add the functionalities mentioned in the description. 正因为如此, 特定插件的列表正在更改, 当你点餐的时候, you’ll get the best extensions currently available.

Will you install a template for me when I purchase Must-Have Plugins?

不包括模板的安装, but you can purchase this service separately on our site as well.

Do you install any extra plugins that are not included in the package?

是的,我们可以这样做,但要额外收费. Feel free to start a chat on our site and agree on the pricing with our consultants.

What if I need only one of the plugins from the package to be installed?

此服务是一个打包的解决方案, so we do not install plugins from it separately for a smaller fee.


When we install plugins, the language of the website doesn’t matter to us. However, communication with your project manager will be in English.


谢谢你的包裹. With blog plugins, editing numerous posts is really effortless. And I like the image optimizer that makes my site faster.
I ordered a plugin installation service after a professional SEO optimization. Now, I am able to check my key phrases and readability myself.
I needed plugins for my online store, and I’m fully satisfied with what I got. I love the look and functionality of the shopping cart on my website!

