


I purchased a Template og体育首页 template through my hosting service several years ago and loved the quality of the TM template and had a fabulous experience with TM technical support – the premium support package was invaluable. 出色的服务-出色的专业知识. I am starting another facet to my company and decided – since I had such a positive experience the first time – to work directly with Template og体育首页. 谁知道这种卓越的服务至今还存在!
seriously great performance from ivy again today seems to be regular with the high standards too, always has time, always understands the nature of your requirement nothing is ever to much trouble,,, its agents like this that make it worth paying for our premium support plan, no exaggeration
The post-production revisions in the insufficiently installed files and folders were very difficult, 更不用说耐心地帮助像我这样一个对html和wordpress一无所知的人了. According to the e-mails that came from a couple of people other than her, Dakota seems to have brought in a couple of people to redo the installation from the scratch. 感谢大家的共同努力, I think my website got completely ready for my adjustments and modifications. 我很满意. 我购买的“高级支持”协议得到了回报. Thanks, Dakota!


可用于购买的ZEMEZ模板 我们为ZEMEZ主题提供高级支持. It is available only for the designs you have purchased at Templateog体育首页.com.
访问技术文档和知识库 您将获得有关安装的分步文档和教程, 配置和维护你的网站模板.
通过票务系统提供支持. 工作日的平均响应时间为1-8小时
修复了ZEMEZ模板和插件的错误. 在实时网站上实现bug修复
错误调试和复杂问题的故障排除 We provide feedback and recommendations for any unusual problems and errors (template or module related, hosting related or issues caused due to implemented modifications of the initial code/structure).
模板相关复杂问题修正 Customization of the template by a third-party developer or by you can cause problems on your website, as well as additions that have been added to the initial template code. We can identify the problem and fix it if it specifically affects and is related to the template files.
第三方插件相关问题调查 Our experts investigate problems associated with third-party modules or scripts and provide feedback on how to rectify the issues.
网站速度审计和协助速度优化 我们检查网站并进行速度测试, then we give the client a list with reasons for the slow loading of the site, possible solutions. Client may also receive a price quote to solve the problem by our developers.
免费安装模板 我们将免费安装和激活您的ZEMEZ模板之一. 只提供6个月和12个月的套餐
5个小时的站长协助 包括现场诊断, site debugging, 个性化的援助, instafast service and fixing minor errors as well as minor site customizations. If the client’s request goes beyond minor changes - we offer special discounted prices for the customization required. 只提供6个月和12个月的套餐
TM Web Studio提供的任何服务都有15%的折扣


  1. Placing the Order

    24 hours

    你先在我们的网站上付款, 您将被添加到一个特殊的高级支持用户组.

  2. Using the Service

    from 1 to 12 months

    您可以向我们发送电子邮件以获得支持. No need to do anything extra: you will enjoy all the advantages of the Premium Support plan right after the payment is made.

  3. 续订订阅


    高级支持期结束时, 您将自动转到基本的免费支持. To have all the Premium Support features again, you will need to purchase the offer one more time.


You have purchased template and would like to launch a website with it. That should be easy. You may have already worked with templates before and know what to do. Or you are planning to find on Google tutorials and instructions that will help you. You can also follow video lessons from YouTube and make required changes step-by-step. 今天的选择是无限的. You just need enough time to learn how your template works and how you can customize it. 

However, 如果你以前没有做过类似的事情, 新信息的数量可能是压倒性的. 你可能不知道从哪里开始. You may not know all the technical terms that you see in the tutorials. You may face complex tech issues that you can not troubleshoot easily and no tutorial provides you with a working solution. You do not have enough time to figure all that out and do not want to spend months on creating a site. 在短短几天内,你可能会放弃拥有一个网站的想法. 如果你发现自己处于类似的情况, our Premium 网站技术支持服务 service will be a perfect option for you.

Our paid support plan is aimed at providing priority assistance whenever you need it through our tecket system. You will be placed into a special Priority Queue to be connected to an operator without any delays.

Moreover, 如果您选择三个月或更长时间的高级支持, 我们会给你一些额外的奖励:
- 5 hours of Webmaster Assistance which you can use for site diagnostics, site debugging, fixing errors, 个性化的援助, instafast service, 和小的网站定制
- 15% discount for any customization service provided by TM Web Studio

Please note:

  • Premium 网站技术支持服务 is available for ZEMEZ themes.
  • 高级支持只提供模板购买于 它不适用于从og体育首页ONE下载的主题
  • Premium Support is offered as an update of the basic technical support plan. It can be ordered if the basic technical support is still active or its prolongation is already purchased.



Free website support is better suited for experienced users and includes only basic assistance, for example, 回答关于使用模板的一般问题, 它的内置功能, and functionalities. The free support plan does not include support for minor or major theme changes and customizations, 或者是电脑上安装的软件造成的问题, hosting environment, 或者对主题的不当修改.


当你使用票务系统时, as an owner of the premium website support package you will skip the queue and get answers from our representatives right away. 当你使用票务系统时, the owners of the Premium Support plan will get their requests processed in the first place.

Do you provide Premium Website Support for templates of other authors (e.g. not only ZEMEZ)?



We offer support services only from 9 am till 6 pm EET (UTC+2) on business days.

Do you provide Premium Website Support for the templates downloaded from TM ONE?

Sorry, 高级支持只提供模板购买于 Templateog体育首页.com. 下载的主题不可用 TM ONE.


I purchased a Template og体育首页 template through my hosting service several years ago and loved the quality of the TM template and had a fabulous experience with TM technical support – the premium support package was invaluable. 出色的服务-出色的专业知识. I am starting another facet to my company and decided – since I had such a positive experience the first time – to work directly with Template og体育首页. 谁知道这种卓越的服务至今还存在!
seriously great performance from ivy again today seems to be regular with the high standards too, always has time, always understands the nature of your requirement nothing is ever to much trouble,,, its agents like this that make it worth paying for our premium support plan, no exaggeration
The post-production revisions in the insufficiently installed files and folders were very difficult, 更不用说耐心地帮助像我这样一个对html和wordpress一无所知的人了. According to the e-mails that came from a couple of people other than her, Dakota seems to have brought in a couple of people to redo the installation from the scratch. 感谢大家的共同努力, I think my website got completely ready for my adjustments and modifications. 我很满意. 我购买的“高级支持”协议得到了回报. Thanks, Dakota!

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